Which practical tasks under the Case Manager role do you find most challenging? What are some solutions you’ve found since you started that would have helped you in the beginning?


As the Case Manager, there are many practical tasks that form your role. Some options to choose from:

  • Assessing and supporting immediate needs for housing, income, medical care, health insurance, transportation, and criminal justice involvement
  • Assistance with problem solving, help with the logistics of care, and provide information to participants and their families about available resources
  • Provide linkages to peer support, serve as a link with outside agencies and facilities, and help individuals find resources for care after transitioning from the CSC program.

Please use this list as a jumping off point, you do not have to stick to the topic we have written out.


I would say the most practical tasks I currently have an issue with is getting some my clients to answer their phones during scheduled appointments. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, certain clients have gone on to follow their own schedule and tends to forget the times I schedule appointments with them. This sometimes delay processes such as getting their medication delivered, receiving mental health symptom information (to relay back to APRN) and assisting them with community resources (food stamps, housing, etc.).

The things I have found beneficial to solving this problem is reminding people the day of their next appointment through text message. Or sometimes when I receive random call from a client earlier than expected I inquire if our upcoming date will still be appropriate. I have also realized that listening to the concerns of the client before engaging with their treatment goals assists with building rapport. Once you actively listen to a client’s concerns and try to quell their worries is when they tend to be more receptive to outside input.

-Craig McLean